Friday, April 15, 2005


Me and my son Perry when he was about ten in Lehight acres Florida Posted by Hello
Yes, in my present guise as M again.
Ah yes, I remember it well. Ten is the correct age I think. Would this possibly be when you returned from the distant realms or at an earlier time? I'm sure we've discussed aspects of this momentous occasion more than once. I tried to stay with the adults until I made the mistake of wandering outside where I believe there was a swing and perhaps a dog. All a bit hazy, because then the monster appeared and I returned to the house and the boring drone of adults. I still remember what I wore. Funny how odd details stay with you. I think it was an ankle length rust coloured embroidered Indian skirt from Sona (?) in Cambridge, and a white silk blouse. The skirt is still around somewhere--in Maine storage or overseas (perish the never-to-be-seem-again thought). I loved the skirt, but I never wore it without remembering that time.
It's too bad that seeing Perry was so awkward due to the circumstances, and Mother and Dad had to sort of be intermediaries. There is a look of expectancy in the picture.
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