Friday, May 13, 2005


which is more humane?

If one must, catching a mouse in a mousetrap, or having a cat?
The cat would certainly prefer Tuna and the mouse trap maker is more concerned with how many traps he sells thay eliminating your problem. Corn snakes have always been my personal favorite for mouse removal and larger constrictors are better at ingesting cats (should they become a nusiance.) I'd recomend the endagered North American Indigo Snake which also eats rattlesnakes.
Mouse trap makers can be easily distracted into designing better mouse filters. These would allow Musophobes
to see the world as mouse free.
thanks for the referencer to But how do you get it (Musophobes in blue) to be a hot link to that website? Is that where a bit of HTML comes in?
HTML yes. In your blogger post edit windor there should be a link button that opens a dialog window where you can paste a web address in, It the wraps the phrase you have highlighted with the appropriate HTML.
The Code for this will start with a les than sign < followed by a letter a then a space followed by href=""> your word here followed by the closing tag for the string < / a > :

Ther is a special tag to use when quoting code but i forget what it is
notice that the URL automatically becomes a link
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